Humor - You're a Child of the 80's If...
This list has become so long that I've broken it into categories for your viewing pleasure.
- You're starting to believe now that maybe having the kids go to school year round wouldn't be such a bad idea after all
- You're doing absolutely nothing pertaining to your major
- U2 is too popular and mainstream for you now
- You've recently horrified yourself by using any one of the following phrases:
"When I was younger..."
"When I was your age..."
- Elmo who? Barney who? Carmen San Diego who? Power Rangers who?
- You remember when Jordache jeans were cool
- In your fifth grade class picture, you were wearing an Izod shirt with the collar up
- A predominant color in your childhood photos is plaid
- Your hair at some point in time in the 80's became something which can only be described by the phrase, "I was experimenting"
- You've ever shopped at a Benetton, but not in the last five years
- You owned a pair of Rainbow suspenders just like Mork used to wear
- You bought a pair of Vans and wanted to order a pizza in history class so you could be just like Jeff Spicoli
- Wet'n'Wild lip gloss and nail polish was a MUST have
- You had a Wonder Woman bathing suit
- You ever wore neon or flourescent clothing
- You wore a banana clip, or knew someone who did
- You had Wonder Woman or Superman underoos
- You ever had a Dorothy Hamill haircut
- You wore biker shorts underneath a short skirt and felt stylish
- You could breakdance, or wished you could
- You wanted to be the Hulk for Halloween
- You wanted to be on Star Search
- You know what a "burnout" is
- You know what "Sike" means
- You ever rang someone's doorbell and said "Landshark!"
- You took family trips BEFORE the invention of the minivan
- You rode in the back of the station wagon and you faced the cars behind you
- Schoolhouse Rock played a HUGE part in how you actually learned the English language
- You ever dressed to emulate a person you saw in either a Duran Duran, Madonna or Cyndi Lauper video
- The first time you ever kissed someone at a dance came during "Crazy for You," by Madonna
- You remember with pain the sad day when the Green Machine hit the streets and made our old Big Wheel quite obsolete
- The phrase "Where's the beef," still doubles you over with laughter
- You were unsure if Diet Coke would ever catch on after all
- You sat with your friends on a Friday night and dialed 867-5309 to see if Jenny would answer
- The phrase, "All skate, change directions" means something to you
- You owned a preppy handbook
- You used to flip people off with your pinky and that was actually something bad
- boys wore perms
- Sit'n'Spins were cool
- So were slip'n'slides
- You knew all your neighbors and had block parties on the 4th of July
- You could play outside and not have to worry about drive-bys and gangs
- Red M&M's came back
- Your jaw would ache by the time you finished those brick sized packages of Bazooka gum
- You used to smell Strawberry Shortcake and her friends all day
- Rub-a-Dub dollies were a must for bath time
- You had a Daggot dog
- You know that another name for a keyboard is "Synthesizer"
- You collected Garbage Pail Kids
- You know what a "Doozer" is
- You carried your lunch to school in a Gremlins or E.T. lunch box.
- You ever had a Swatch watch
Movies and Television
- You remember when Saturday Night Live was funny
- You knew what Willis was "talkin' 'bout"
- You wanted to be a Goonie
- You know who Max Headroom is
- You know the profound meaning of "Wax on, Wax off"
- You remember Friday Night Videos before the days of MTV
- You honestly remember when film critics raved that no movie could ever possibly get better special effects than those in the movie TRON
- You miss Ted the photographer on The Love Boat
- You remember trying to guess the episode of the Brady Bunch from the first scene
- You had a front row seat for Luke and Laura's wedding on General Hospital
- You're parents wanted you to attend medical school, but you decided it was pointless since Quincy got all the babes anyway
- You know who shot JR
- This rings a bell: "...my name is Charlie: They work for me."
- You were too young to see The Blue Lagoon so you had to settle for second hand reports
- You remember when there was only PG and R
- You learned to swim about the same time Jaws came out and still carry the emotional scars to this day
- You remember when your cable TV box had a sliding selector switch
- You remember Bo and Luke Duke
- There was nothing strange about Bert and Ernie living together
- You actually believed that Mikey, famed for his Life cereal commercials, died after eating a packet of pop rocks and Drinking a Coke
- The theme song to Greatest American Hero still comes back to you on occasion (BELIEVE IT OR NOT, I'M WALKING ON AIR...)
- Cheech and Chong ... need I say more?
- You can sing the themes to Three's Company, Brady Bunch and Growing Pains
- "By the power of Greyskull, I HAVE THE POWER!" means something to you
- You HAD to have your Mtv
- You hold a special place in your heart for "Back to the Future"
- You thought Molly Ringwald was really cool
- You actually thought Dirty Dancing was a really good movie
- You know all the words to the double album set of Grease
- You remember when music that was labeled alternative, really was alternative
- You know by heart the words to any Weird Al Yankovic song
- While in high school, you and your friends discussed elaborate plans to get together again at the end of the century and play Prince's "1999" until you passed out partying
- You knew "The Artist" when he was humbly called Prince (the first time)
- Adam Ant and David Bowie were "extremes" in the rock world
- Michael Jackson had all his original parts and color
- Three words: Atari, IntelliVision and Coleco, sound familiar
- VCRs cost $2,000
- You've used rotary dial telephones
- You rode a bicycle with a banana seat
- Then graduated to Beach Cruisers
- By the time you could drive, you only wanted a convertable Rabbit
Last Modified: Sunday, November 30, 2003 10:30.