Humor - You Know You're From Michigan If
- traveling from coast to coast means going from Port Huron to Muskegon.
- you refer to your relatives in southern Michigan as 'Trolls' or 'Lopers'.
- the 'Big Three' can mean either Ford, Chrysler and GM or Dominos, Little Caesar's, and Hungry Howie's.
- the Big Mac is something you can drive across.
- you have no problem spelling 'Mackinac Island'.
- you had to get a passport to travel to Ohio.
- you have as many Canadian coins in your pocket as American coins.
- your kids' baseball and softball games have ever been snowed out.
- the trees in your backyard have spigots.
- you know that a place called Kalamazoo actually exists.
- you bake with 'soda' and drink 'pop'.
- you know what a pastie is.
- you drive 80mph on the highway and always pass on the right.
- octopus and hockey go together as logically as hot dogs and baseball.
- your favorite hockey team's mascot is an octopus.
- you have a favorite hockey team.
- you don't have a coughing fit from one sip of Vernors.
- you know how to play Euchre.
- you define summer as three months of bad sledding.
- your definition of a small town is one that doesn't have a lake.
- your family breaks into violence during the UM-MSU game. (any sport)
- snow tires come standard on all your cars.
- at least 50% of your relatives work for the automotive industry.
- you have ever gotten frostbitten and sunburned in the same week.
- you can identify an Ohio accent.
- owning a Japanese car was a hanging offense in your home town.
- you learned to pilot a boat before the training wheels came off your bike.
- you think Alkaline batteries were named after a Tiger outfielder.
- you point at the palm of your right hand when telling people where you grew up.
- you don't understand what the big deal about Chicago is.
- someone asks you if you've ever been to Europe, and you answer, "No, but I've been to Ann Arbor".
- "Down South" to you means Toledo.
- you have any idea who Bob Ufer was.
Last Modified: Thursday, August 28, 2003 08:33.