Bodvarr Geirsson

A Bevy of Resources

Here then are a variety of links that I find of interest, or have personal relevance for me.  I'm not interested in providing a host of meaningless links just to populate the page.

Friends and Family

Anne Marie deGarmeaulx
Lady Anne Marie was a colleague and friend before I ever joined the SCA, and continues to amaze me with her talents and artwork.  She is a master Inkle-Weaver, and maintains a web site just for that craft.  She's also a talented web designer in her own right.

Dag Thorgrimsson
His Grace, Duke Sir Dag Thorgrimsson was also a friend before I joined the SCA.  I now have the privilege of serving as Dag's squire, and learning many interesting things.

Zygmunt Nadratowski
Zygmunt and his Lady Mad Maddie are some of our most favorite SCA-folk.  They hail from the Shire of Talonvale, in the region of Pentamer, in the Middle Kingdom.  (Jackson, Michigan)


Armored Combat

Perrin-Compliant Armor Standards
This article is a great list of items any fighter should keep in his or her armor repair kit, complete with explanations of the tools, and where you might find them.  Great Article!


Ashcraft Baker
A purveyor of fine starter equipment for SCA combat.  I purchased my helm, sword and shield baskets from them.  Excellent prices for quality wares.

Dragon Forge Armoury
This merchant comes recommended by some respected individuals; I've not yet sampled their wares, but I also don't want to lose the link.

Vogt Handcrafts
I purchased a set of elbow and knee cops from them at the 2004 Ides of March event.  Very nice gentleman, too.  While I was standing there, he kindly worked an exchange with a woman whose husband's neck didn't quite match his gorget.  Top shelf service, in my opinion.


The Shire of Talonval
This is where my good friend Zygmunt hails from; they host a most excellent event each year called The Siege of Talonval.  My family attended last year; it was a most enjoyable time.  Here is the link to the 5th annual Siege, being held in July of 2004.

Last Modified: Saturday, June 04, 2005 08:32.

This web site is NOT an official or recognized site for the Society for Creative Anachronism.