Iron Oak Archives
Iron Oak News Articles
These are two news articles that were published waaaaaay back in 1996. Each of the graphics is scanned in fairly high resolution, so the files are 350-500k. Be warned if you have a painfully slow 'Net connection.
Flint Journal, November 24th, 1996
Gentles Named: Lady Broncoyn of Bright Oaks, Sir Osric, Caius Severius Sabinus, Mitarou
Flint Journal, November 28th, 1996
Gentles Named: Lord Eduerd Von Schonberg, Lord Iain MacThomaidth, Gwendolin Bucklay
Iron Oak Images
Iron Oak Lands (53k gif file)
Spliced this map together based on Iron Oak's claim to Livingston and Shiawassee counties. The official zip codes that lie within Iron Oak are located at the Midrealm cartographer's site.
Last Modified: Saturday, April 10, 2004 11:37.