Bodvarr Geirsson

Focus on the Fighter Archives - September 2004 to November 2004

11/13/2004 - Harvest of Lost Souls IV

Bodvarr and Tomas traveled to the lands of Stormvale to participate in the Harvest.  The day was somewhat chilly, but bright and sunny.  Few heavy weapons fighters turned out - Sir Osric Eisenwulf of House Ironwolf, Vlad (also of House Ironwolf), Baron Angus Gove MacKinnon, Galen of Talonvale, Tomas, and Bodvarr.

Tomas and Bodvarr practiced for a while, then took a break, then Bodvarr practiced with his Excellency.  Tomas spent some quality time practicing with Sir Osric.  It was a pretty relaxed event.  There were quite a few fencers, though - 10-12, perhaps?

9/11/2004 - Tourament of Squires 2004

Bodvarr and Tomas Authorized!  Huzzah! 

His Grace, Duke Sir Dag Thorgrimsson accepted Tomas as a Yeoman (Man at Arms) to Bodvarr in the great Household Gramorginn!  Huzzah!

Lots of great fighting, great weather, and a fanastic day overall.  Here are some pictures of Bodvarr and Tomas Authorizing.

First Tomas - He's fighting against Lord Jason Ironfist. 
Lord Jason later won the tourney to become the next Champion of Northwoods Barony.


Here's Bodvarr - He's fighting against Ranulfr (spelling?), a very good gentle who was an excellent authorization opponent - thank you!

Bodvarr Authorizing   


 <-- this last photo is actually Lord Jason Ironfist - I had to redo my thrusting authorization because I didn't use it enough in the first go-round.  That's His Royal Majesty Felix up on the viewing stand; didn't even know he was there until I was looking at the photos.


To keep the file size down for those with slower Internet connections, I've begun periodically moving older updates to archive pages.  Click the links below for a walk back in history...

Last Modified: Sunday, February 27, 2005 08:36.

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